25 June 2010: Relaxing at Liberte’s with the girls on a Friday afternoon.

Anne Walmsley, Joan May Campbell, Peta Davies and Mimi discussing art and life with Mimi at Liberte's

Mimi took time out on Friday afternoon to meet with the ‘locals’ to chat about art and life. Informal studio visits have been an enjoyable and important aspect of  Mimi’s residency. Keen to interact on a personal level with artists in their own studios. Often Regional artists are isolated in terms  of gaining valuable feedback from their peers in regards to their direction and where they fit in the art-world. It  is to IASKA’s credit by obtaining funding which provides the placement of various artists to engage with the community. Mimi has enthusiastically made herself available to  local artists and the senior high school arts students.  Mimi has already met with  7 artists individually and has a few more planned before the end of next week. Ranging far and wide  Mimi is travelling between Kendenup, Denmark and Albany . Mimi is also facilitating two workshops with North Albany Senior High School and Denmark Senior High School art students. Mt Barker College will be sending their art teacher Debbie Cheeseman along to the Denmark workshop so that she can glean some ideas from Mimi to inspire her students.

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